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English Language Editing Services

Article Preparation

Layout Editing
Layout editing prepares your submission for publication in Inishts in Animal Science or any other journal of your choice. Completed within 2 days.

Figure Editing
Figure editing enhances your charts and graphs by revising the colors, size, and resolution. Completed within 1 business day.

Professional language editing with the help of AI tools checked by experts in the field of animal science. Available 24/7 to all authors.

Thesis and Dissertation Editing

Let Author Services elevate your research to the next level by ensuring that the language in your thesis or dissertation meets the highest academic standards. Choose the language editing service that suits you.

Discount applies to thesis and dissertation papers of 10,000 words or more.

Contact and Get a Quote

Contact us via email and mention one or more of the following editing services:

  • For Journal submission
  • for Thesis/Dissertation
  • Others

Our Guarantee

Our Rapid and Academic services include unlimited free re-editing for 1 year after service completion. Our Standard service includes a one-time review of minor additional changes.

If your manuscript is rejected for publication due to English language errors after we have edited it, please contact us by email. If we are at fault, we will re-edit your paper free of charge, regardless of the service type.

For Reviewers

Get Recognition

Reviewers who willingly contribute to the article review process will be acknowledged, and their names will be prominently listed on the journal website. Additionally, when the journal initiates charging for article processing fees, an honorarium will also be extended to the top reviewers.

Discount on Services

Discount vouchers will be issued to reviewers, which can be utilized for author services and, in the future, applied towards article processing charges.